Temple Jeremiah is a Reform Jewish community that exists in the context of our people’s covenantal relationship with God. Ours is a vibrant, multi-generational congregation, guided by tradition, grounded in the modern world, and infused with the sacred values of our faith.
Temple Jeremiah is an inclusive congregation that demonstrates respect for the needs of all. Through worship, learning, and a concern for social justice, we strive to better ourselves, our community, and the world at large.
Our Jewish values embody the teaching that every human being is created in the image of God (b’tzelem Elohim). We therefore strive to hold ourselves to the highest standards of personal integrity, social responsibility, and human decency. When we behave ethically and hold ourselves accountable, Temple Jeremiah is a safe, welcoming, and sacred environment.
This Values and Congregant Expectations Statement (“Statement”) sets forth the principles and expectations for adherence by Congregants* and their Guests** to the values of the Temple Jeremiah community and the standards of conduct that support them, whether participating in a Temple Jeremiah activity in the building, online, or offsite. Clergy, staff and vendors, even if also members, are held to these same standards, but in the event this Statement conflicts with any applicable employment or other contract or written employment policy of Temple Jeremiah, as may be amended from time to time, such contracts or employment policies shall govern.
Congregants, on behalf of themselves and their Guests, are invited to report conduct that they believe in good faith to be inconsistent with or in violation of this Statement. See Attachment A.
Temple Jeremiah welcomes all Congregants and Guests who wish to engage with our sacred community.
- We embrace all Congregants and Guests without regard to religious background, age, ability, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or marital status.
- We strive to make all Congregants and Guests feel a sense of belonging with the expectation that their ideas and concerns can be openly stated and responded to with respect.
Congregants and Guests are expected to:
- Conduct themselves and their relationships in an open and honest way, treating others with good manners, common courtesy, respect, and dignity, in accordance with the Jewish value of derech eretz (decency and respect);
- Always endeavor to address differences in a constructive manner;
- Maintain confidences of and about others;
- Refrain from engaging in or spreading negative or derogatory speech, gossip, or slander (lashon hara), whether orally or via written or electronic communication vehicles of any kind;
- Engage openly with other Congregants, Guests, clergy and staff and support one another’s’ work.
Congregants and Guests must refrain from improper discrimination i.e., any actions or failures to act based on another Congregant’s or Guest’s religious background, age, disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or marital status (each a “protected characteristic”) in their opportunity to participate in Temple Jeremiah activities on its premises, online, or offsite, or otherwise enjoy the benefits of membership.
Harassment is a form of discrimination. Congregants and Guests must refrain from Harassment of anyone who is part of the Temple Jeremiah community and Guests based on such individuals’ religious background, age, disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and/or marital status.
Temple Jeremiah believes everyone who is part of its community has the right to feel safe and respected, and that we are morally and ethically responsible to care for one another (kol yisrael areivim zeh bazeh). This duty extends beyond refraining from discriminatory or harassing behavior; it includes both observing certain personal boundaries with others, but especially with the more vulnerable members of the community, for example young children, teens and adults who are incapable of making competent decisions for themselves. It also means that Congregants, and in some circumstances Guests, are expected to take steps to oppose boundary crossing by others. To that end,
- Congregants and Guests must ensure that personal boundaries, including those related to romantic and sexual matters, are always respected;
- Congregants and Guests must refrain from engaging in any act or behavior, even if it appears to be consensual, that exploits the vulnerability of another, takes advantage of a power imbalance, compromises one’s moral integrity, or creates or could reasonably create an intimidating, offensive, abusive, or hostile environment;
- Congregants and Guests must refrain from sexual activity or sharing of pornographic or sexually explicit material with young children, teens, adults who are incapable of making competent decisions for themselves, or anyone else who is incapable of giving knowing consent;
- Congregants and Guests must refrain from sexual, physical, psychological or emotional abuse, bullying and cyberbullying or any other humiliation, degradation or oppression of any kind toward anyone;
- Congregants must refrain from using any position of authority to intimidate, bully, or unduly influence other Congregants, Guests, staff or clergy to do so for any reason.
Those Congregants who assume leadership positions for specific activities, (e.g., committees, task forces, youth projects or outings, field trips, camps, etc.) or for Temple Jeremiah itself, whether as volunteers, managerial level employees, officers, or members of the Board of Directors are referred to in this Statement as “Congregant Leaders”. Congregant Leaders have additional ethical responsibilities in those roles, and by assuming them commit to:
- Protect the confidentiality of private information, either about an individual or the synagogue, and not to disclose it without permission.
- Recognize, respect, and protect the intellectual property rights of Temple Jeremiah and others. Obey copyright laws governing the use and distribution of published materials.
- Make decisions regarding synagogue-related matters with transparency, openness and accountability, but consistent with its obligations of maintaining confidentiality. For example, it is especially important to protect inadvertent and premature release of names of candidates for employment. This includes adhering to placement guidelines, if any, of relevant professional organizations for clergy and staff. It is equally important to maintain the confidentiality of investigations and decisions rendered under this Statement.
- Ensure that they and Temple Jeremiah adhere to the by-laws and written policies and procedures of Temple Jeremiah as well as applicable law.
Confidentiality involves preserving information, especially as it pertains to personal or private information about Congregants, including Congregant Leaders, and business and financial data of the synagogue. For example, this may include but is not limited to personal information about an individual’s health, financial status, family matters, or any other information that a reasonable person might generally prefer to remain private. Personal information and Temple Jeremiah financial information are both confidential and should not be discussed or disclosed to anyone other than the smallest number of people possible with a strong need to know to carry out the business at hand. Because even well-meaning disclosure of information revealed in confidence may have damaging results, great care must be taken to ensure that confidential conversations are not shared or overheard beyond the “need to know” group and that any documents containing confidential information are not left in the open, are stored in locked spaces when not in immediate use, and that there are strict protocols for sharing information electronically that keeps such confidential information within the “need to know” group. Under limited, exigent circumstances, however, it may be necessary to share otherwise confidential personal information more broadly when, in the reasonable opinion of the Ethics Committee there is a real or reasonably perceived threat of imminent harm to the disclosing party or others. It is never a violation of this Statement to share confidential information with outside counsel for the purpose of obtaining legal advice or where otherwise required under applicable law.
There are inherent challenges in using the internet, email, and social media, as well as texting and other electronic communications. Congregant Leaders should demonstrate respect, professionalism, and good judgment when using any such technology. Special care must be taken to protect confidentiality when using social media (e.g., blogs, message boards, chat rooms, electronic newsletters, online forums, social networking sites, and other sites and services that permit users to share information and photography with others).
Congregant Leaders are expected to behave with integrity and in a manner that brings credit to the congregation and to the community. This behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Acting solely according to the synagogue’s best interest when acting on its behalf.
- Conducting all financial affairs with complete honesty and integrity and refraining from financial impropriety (e.g., embezzlement, nonpayment of just debts, inappropriate use of restricted funds, or tax evasion) in decisions regarding restricted, committed, and discretionary funds;
- Establishing and enforcing appropriate procedures to protect the assets of the congregation;
- Honoring their sacred obligation to uphold financial agreements made with the synagogue. If a change in personal circumstances occurs, those charged with managing synagogue finances should be informed and will make appropriate arrangements;
- Representing accomplishments and achievements accurately;
- Considering the impact of accepting gifts (for example, but without limitation, a congregant’s or staff member’s acceptance of a gift from a synagogue vendor) and, in the specific case of Board members accepting gifts only in accordance with the Temple Jeremiah conflict of interest policy, always being mindful of perceptions that such acceptance may generate;
- Refraining from hiring or firing, rewarding or punishing staff or volunteers, and awarding or denying contracts based solely on personal considerations (e.g., favoritism, nepotism, or bribery).
- Staying informed of and providing accurate information on issues, practices, policies, rules, regulations, and laws that govern our work, professional, and volunteer activities – always striving to implement them in a forthright and equitable manner.
- Reporting potentially illegal conduct to appropriate internal and/or external authorities.
Congregant Leaders’ behavior outside the synagogue, which may seem private, could affect not only their personal reputations, but also the reputation of our synagogue. They should gauge their actions accordingly.
A positive reputation, including Temple Jeremiah’s presence on social media, is one of the most difficult assets to establish and one of the easiest to lose. Congregant Leaders should be mindful of when their personal communications could be misconstrued as representing the views of the synagogue or another organization, and they should refrain from communications that are inappropriate (e.g., obscene content, defamatory statements, cyber-bullying).
For purposes of this Statement of Values and Congregant Expectations, a “conflict of interest” means acting based on one’s own interest, or that of family, friends, or business associates, when conducting Temple Jeremiah business. The following scenarios are examples, but without limitation:
- A transaction in which a Congregant Leader or a close family member has a direct or indirect interest, financial or otherwise, in the outcome of any transaction or matter involving the synagogue.
- Considerations or competing interests exist, real or perceived, for an interested partner, other than the best interests of the synagogue.
- A situation in which a Congregant Leader has a relationship with other parties that might reasonably be expected to affect the conduct of the congregant or staff member in a manner inconsistent with the overriding duty he or she has to advance the interests of the synagogue.
Congregant Leaders should avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest. Those in positions of authority and influence, including members of the Board, officers, and staff members, must conduct all congregational business in a manner that is morally, ethically, and fiscally of the highest order and can bear public scrutiny at all times. Decisions of the Board, officers, and staff must always be guided by applicable laws and regulations, this Statement, by the policies and by-laws of the synagogue, and in its best interests.
When acting on behalf of the synagogue, a Congregant Leader should never, without full prior disclosure and appropriate, clear approvals from relevant synagogue leaders:
- Divulge or release proprietary or confidential information about the synagogue, or its deliberations;
- Obtain personal advantage or benefit due to one’s synagogue position; or
- Use the synagogue’s property or resources for personal benefit;
A potential conflict of interest can be difficult to discern. It may arise in settings beyond the obvious business relationship setting (e.g., the acceptance of gifts, honoraria, royalties, or using intellectual property that belongs to the synagogue). Congregant Leaders may consult peers about any real or potential conflicts but must report the potential conflict promptly to the Ethics Committee. See Attachment A.
* Congregants, as used in this Statement means all members of Temple Jeremiah, including but not limited to adults, children, volunteers, officers and members of the Board.
** Guests, as used in this Statement, means anyone who is not a Congregant but who is invited by a Congregant, staff or clergy to participate in any Temple Jeremiah activity, either on the premises, offsite, or online.