Dear Friends,

We write to you once again with an update on how we are responding to rapidly unfolding events. Governor Pritzker has amended the current stay-at-home order to allow for the “free exercise of religion” provided that social distancing requirements are followed, gatherings are limited to no more than ten people, and all events adhere to CDC guidelines. Pikuach Nefesh, the preservation of life and health, is the prime directive of Jewish law. The health and safety of our community is our primary concern. Therefore, we will continue with our online offerings for worship, study, and programming. A task force has been formed to work on a plan for reentering the building and resuming regular programming once the stay-at-home order ends. Updates will be forthcoming.

Here is what this means:

  • Rabbi Cohen, Rabbi Heaps, Cantor Friedman, Dr. Anne Lidsky, Danny Glassman, and Barbara Miller will all be available during this time to guide, support, and help in every way that we can. For your convenience, you can contact us at:
  • All temple activities/meetings will continue to be held by video conference. No meetings will be held at the Temple. If you have not received a Zoom link by the day of your meeting, please contact the staff member assigned to your committee, task force, or group.
  • Check the COVID-19 Updates section of our website for status updates.

Again, we ask you to: 

  • Go onto your ShulCloud Account as soon as you can to make sure your contact information is up to date, with the correct cell phone number and email. We need to be sure your contact information is accurate in order to communicate with you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rabbi Cohen, Danny Glassman, or Barbara Miller. Each member of our staff is here for you. Our tradition teaches us that Kol Yisrael arivim zeh l’zeh, each of us is responsible for one another. Each of us is a part of this community to draw strength from one another, to care for one another, and to support one another.


Rabbi Paul F. Cohen                Danny Glassman                Barbara Miller
Senior Rabbi                                    Executive Director                   Temple President