1. Ethics Committee Make Up  
  • The Ethics Committee shall consist of a chair and two members selected by the President of the congregation.  
  • The chair of the Ethics committee will be a member of the board of directors and will be appointed for a one-year term that may be renewed twice for a total of three years.  
  • The two other members of the committee shall be appointed for a term of two years which may be renewed once for a total of four years.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, so as to maintain some continuity on the committee, for the first two members of the committee, one shall be appointed for a one-year term and one shall be appointed for a two-year term.  
  • The President, Senior Rabbi and Executive Director are all ex officio members of the committee, with advisory but non-voting roles. 
  1. Meetings  
  • The Ethics Committee is an ad hoc committee that meets annually to review the policy and introduce new members of the committee.  
  • All other meetings are called to address open allegations/complaints.  
  1. Filing a Complaint  
  • Allegations/complaints can be confidentially initiated by using the form residing on the Temple Jeremiah website.   
  • Completed forms will be sent to the chair of the committee so that the committee can review and evaluate them.  
  1. Review Process  
  • The Ethics Committee will decide on a process that includes information gathering, deliberation, and resolution based on the particularities of each allegation and other evidence that is received/gathered.   Efforts will be made to resolve matters as promptly as possible consistent with the circumstances of each case. 
  • If an allegation pertains to any member of the Ethics Committee, other Temple Leadership or any Board member, or could reasonably pose a conflict of interest for such person, that person must recuse himself or herself from all information gathering, deliberation and decision making from that entire matter, not just the allegation in question.  
  • If an allegation of unethical behavior pertains to a member of a professional organization with its own code of ethics such as the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), American College of Cantors (ACC), Association of Reform Jewish Educators (ARJE), National Association for Temple Administration (NATA), or Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), the Ethics Committee will determine whether to handle the allegation or refer it to the appropriate organization.   
  • Congregants with information that could be relevant to a matter before the Ethics Committee process are encouraged to cooperate with Ethics Committee requests to assist in information gathering. All steps, from an initial allegation of unethical conduct to ultimate resolution, will be documented in writing by the Ethics Committee.  
  • Confidentiality will be maintained throughout any Ethics Committee process to the extent practicable and consistent with thorough assessment and disposition of the matter.   
  • The Ethics Committee will look into any information that comes to its attention of retaliation against a Congregant who opposes behavior s/he believes in good faith violates the Expectations Statement or who provides information to the Committee in a pending matter. 
  • All allegations will be responded to with sensitivity toward all involved. Judgment will be withheld pending completion of a full evaluation, except that where there is a reasonable, good-faith belief that a Congregant is under imminent threat of substantial physical or emotional harm, interim action may be taken to avoid or mitigate such harm pending completion of an evaluation.   
  • During information gathering and/or consideration of a resolution for an ethics violation, the committee shall bear in mind that compassion, healing and reconciliation are important values of our sacred community.   
  • While there is no time limit to making an allegation of unethical behavior, the time that has elapsed since the alleged violation will be one of many factors in the totality of circumstances considered by the Ethics Committee.  
  • The Ethics Committee will endeavor to resolve matters brought to it.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, as to all matters involving membership status (e.g. revocation, suspension, etc.), the Ethics Committee will provide recommendations to the Board as to what it believes are appropriate disciplinary measures relating to ethics complaints which it has investigated. 

V. Miscellaneous 

  •  The Ethics Committee may amend these procedures, from time to time, as it deems necessary and appropriate. 
  • Notwithstanding anything else in this document, if a reported matter is potentially criminal in nature, the committee may have an obligation under Illinois law to refer it to the police or other appropriate authorities.  

Adopted January 27, 2025