This week, we read the Torah portion T’tzaveh, where it focuses on the sacred garments of the Kohanim (priests). The portion focuses on all of the specific details of their clothing—the breastplate, robe, and turban—and how the clothing signifies their role and responsibility to serve the community and lead with holiness. Their outfits were designed to inspire awe and respect, but as we know, what we wear does not always define who we are.
In today’s world, it is very easy for people to make quick judgments based on appearances. Just this week, my favorite childhood actor Adam Sandler made headlines for showing up to the Oscars in his signature basketball shorts and hoodie! As he was jokingly kicked out from the opening ceremonies, he shouted “Nobody even thought about what I was wearing until you brought it up (Conan)! I like the way I look, ‘cause I’m a good person. I don’t care about what I wear or what I don’t wear….why should my snazzy gym shorts and fluffy sweatshirt offend you so much that you have to mock me in front of my peers?!?” Adam Sandler is right, he should not be mocked because of how he looks…in my opinion! It should not make him any less of a respected artist, comedian, and philanthropist and should be a reminder that while clothing can reflect identity and tradition, it should never be the sole measure of a person’s worth.
At Temple Jeremiah, we welcome everyone just as they are—no matter what they are wearing. Whether you come in jeans, sneakers, or your finest attire, what matters most is that you are here, part of our sacred community. Shabbat is about presence, connection, and holiness, and we are grateful for every person who walks through our doors.
Shabbat Shalom!