My passion for advocacy and social justice really developed when I joined Jeremiah about six years ago. I was always interested in being involved in social justice, but sometimes it can be hard to know where to start or how to begin. My involvement in mental health, anti-racism, and LGBTQ advocacy at Jeremiah has been strengthened by Jeremiah’s emphasis on tzedakah, not just charity, but pursuing justice. Tzedakah is something Jews are obligated to do. Pursuing justice and righteousness can help us be closer to the “Divine” and help us avoid the harsh decree.

The advocacy I’m involved with is personal to me for many reasons and I have learned to listen and center the voices of the groups and people we are advocating for through this work. I appreciate that pursuing justice helps fill the world with loving kindness and that each act helps to create a more perfect world. One of my most favorite experiences was when many members of the Social Justice Committee went to Washington D.C. in 2019 for the Reform Movement’s Social Justice Conference. It was an exciting and moving experience for me to see so many people pursuing justice and ensuring equality for all. On October 1st, there will be a Social Justice Family Day as part of the Sukkot Festival. Come see how easy it is to do tzedakah at Jeremiah.