Dear Fellow Congregants,
The COVID-19 Advisory Task Force met July 27th and reviewed our current operating procedures, along with data from the CDC and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). We are making one significant change that more closely aligns with the recommendations put out by the CDC and State of Illinois, as well as our local school districts. During school hours, we will be requiring anyone in our building to be masked. This will begin immediately. All our other policies will remain in place until further notice. The COVID-19 Advisory Task Force will be meeting in the coming weeks to determine if any additional updates are in order. We continue to keep Pikuach Nefesh, the preservation and protection of life, front and center. This one command supersedes almost every other command in our Jewish tradition. We are committed to informing you of these updates as the situation evolves.
Temple Jeremiah COVID-19 Advisory Task Force
Scott A. Levin, MD, President
Barbara Miller, Immediate Past President
Ed Shapiro, Legal Counsel
Cory Franklin, MD
Charles Ieuter, Insurance Advisor
Rabbi Paul F. Cohen, D.Min., D.D.
Danny Glassman, Executive Director