Building Tomorrow Together – FAQ

Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Click each question for the answer.

Building Tomorrow Together – FAQ

Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Click each question for the answer.

Quick Facts

Goal: Full community support to secure the Temple’s future.

Campaign Began: January 2019

Campaign Leadership: David Golder, Ken Lorch, and Barb Miller

The focus of this campaign is our building — the physical expression of our tradition and the emotional anchor for our Temple experience. This aging space needs updates, renovations, and critical maintenance. As with our homes, these needs grow over time.

The time-limited Building Tomorrow Together campaign will provide a long-term solution by raising funds specifically to address both the capital needs of our building and grounds and to build a fund to help pay the ongoing maintenance costs

Dollars are being directed to address immediate and imminent capital needs of our building and grounds; to our building endowment to help pay for building maintenance for generations to come; and, to cover the costs of the campaign operations.

Unfortunately, no. As is the case with many synagogues across the country, annual dues and building fund payments no longer cover all of our synagogue’s needs.

Over recent years, Temple Jeremiah’s building fund income has fallen approximately $50,000 short of meeting building expenses. Funds have been allocated from other income sources to cover this increasing shortfall. However, this is not an adequate long-term funding plan and takes dollars that could otherwise support worship, education, and programming.

Loosely defined, an endowment is akin to a savings account, where the principal remains intact and is invested and the income is used to support ongoing and future activities of the organization.

Temple Jeremiah endowments are overseen by our Investment Committee which reports to our Board of Directors. Our management philosophy is to ensure reasonable growth with minimal risk, while preserving the integrity of the principal and generating income that can be transferred to support budgeted costs.

This campaign is a special time-limited fundraising initiative separate from any other synagogue fundraising. It has specific goals – to address needed capital improvements and to strengthen our building endowment fund to provide needed financial stability for the future of the Temple.  We are literally Building Tomorrow Together.

Annual fundraising is critical to Temple Jeremiah’s day-to-day operations.  We hope that congregants will continue to make gifts to our annual fund and to satisfy other programming needs, even as they support the campaign.

The campaign costs are integrated into our campaign fundraising and is independent of the Temple’s operating expenses.

Finding ourselves in the midst of this campaign while the world suddenly faced a pandemic deepened our commitment to the vital nature of this effort. We must act today to help secure the future of our Temple.

External circumstances will inevitably arise which will require the Temple to respond and adapt. A strong and substantial building endowment helps ensure our Temple will be able to meet such challenges, survive times of economic upheaval, and be able to continue to serve our community today and for generations to come.

We would like to make sure that all our congregants know about this campaign, understand the important reasons the Board initiated the campaign and have an opportunity to contribute.

It is gratifying to note that since the inception of the campaign, each and every clergy, senior staff, past Jeremiah president, and Board member, including new Board members who joined subsequent to the approval of the campaign, has made a personal financial commitment in support of this campaign, expressing our leadership’s ongoing prioritization of this initiative.

This is a very personal choice. If you are able to contribute, we hope your gift will be thoughtful, caring and proportionate to your financial ability to make a meaningful charitable donation.  All contributions are valued and appreciated. Our strength as a community comes from having all our congregants participate at every gift level.

Your contribution can be in the form of a multi-year commitment* or a one-time gift.

Payments can be made by credit card, check, deductions from your bank account, donation of appreciated securities, or transfer of retirement account savings. These latter two options may provide added tax savings.  Gifts can also be made from donor advised funds and family foundations.

*Multi-year commitments can be in any dollar amount – a meaningful pledge that you wish to make for multiple years, or a way to break larger gifts into incremental payments. For those contributing gifts of $25,000 or above, the pledge period may be extended up to 5 years.

Pledge payments are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donors will be sent letters for tax purposes annually for payments made during the previous calendar year.

With permission, all donors will be recognized in our publications, such as The Covenant and on our website.  In addition, donors’ names will be included on a centrally located, artistic recognition wall unless anonymity is requested.

Naming opportunities are available for gifts starting at $25,000. Individual plaques will be mounted for named areas of the building.

In addition to supporting the campaign with a contribution, if you are able, we hope you will be ambassadors for the message and need for this effort. To that end, if you would like to host a parlor meeting, help us thoughtfully share our message with small groups, or assist in any other way, please let us know.

David Golder, Past Board President
dgolder@lightfall.comKen Lorch, Past Board President
lorch@htl-law.comBarbara Miller, Immediate Past President
Rabbi Paul F. Cohen, Senior Rabbi
rabbi@templejeremiah.orgDaniel A. Glassman, Executive Director
daniel@templejeremiah.orgLeslie Landman, Director of Philanthropy

Quick Facts

Goal: Full community support to secure the Temple’s future.

Campaign Began: January 2019

Campaign Leadership: David Golder, Ken Lorch, and Barb Miller

The focus of this campaign is our building — the physical expression of our tradition and the emotional anchor for our Temple experience. This aging space needs updates, renovations, and critical maintenance. As with our homes, these needs grow over time.

The time-limited Building Tomorrow Together campaign will provide a long-term solution by raising funds specifically to address both the capital needs of our building and grounds and to build a fund to help pay the ongoing maintenance costs

Dollars are being directed to address immediate and imminent capital needs of our building and grounds; to our building endowment to help pay for building maintenance for generations to come; and, to cover the costs of the campaign operations.

Unfortunately, no. As is the case with many synagogues across the country, annual dues and building fund payments no longer cover all of our synagogue’s needs.

Over recent years, Temple Jeremiah’s building fund income has fallen approximately $50,000 short of meeting building expenses. Funds have been allocated from other income sources to cover this increasing shortfall. However, this is not an adequate long-term funding plan and takes dollars that could otherwise support worship, education, and programming.

Loosely defined, an endowment is akin to a savings account, where the principal remains intact and is invested and the income is used to support ongoing and future activities of the organization.

Temple Jeremiah endowments are overseen by our Investment Committee which reports to our Board of Directors. Our management philosophy is to ensure reasonable growth with minimal risk, while preserving the integrity of the principal and generating income that can be transferred to support budgeted costs.

This campaign is a special time-limited fundraising initiative separate from any other synagogue fundraising. It has specific goals – to address needed capital improvements and to strengthen our building endowment fund to provide needed financial stability for the future of the Temple.  We are literally Building Tomorrow Together.

Annual fundraising is critical to Temple Jeremiah’s day-to-day operations.  We hope that congregants will continue to make gifts to our annual fund and to satisfy other programming needs, even as they support the campaign.

The campaign costs are integrated into our campaign fundraising and is independent of the Temple’s operating expenses.

Finding ourselves in the midst of this campaign while the world suddenly faced a pandemic deepened our commitment to the vital nature of this effort. We must act today to help secure the future of our Temple.

External circumstances will inevitably arise which will require the Temple to respond and adapt. A strong and substantial building endowment helps ensure our Temple will be able to meet such challenges, survive times of economic upheaval, and be able to continue to serve our community today and for generations to come.

We would like to make sure that all our congregants know about this campaign, understand the important reasons the Board initiated the campaign and have an opportunity to contribute.

It is gratifying to note that since the inception of the campaign, each and every clergy, senior staff, past Jeremiah president, and Board member, including new Board members who joined subsequent to the approval of the campaign, has made a personal financial commitment in support of this campaign, expressing our leadership’s ongoing prioritization of this initiative.

This is a very personal choice. If you are able to contribute, we hope your gift will be thoughtful, caring and proportionate to your financial ability to make a meaningful charitable donation.  All contributions are valued and appreciated. Our strength as a community comes from having all our congregants participate at every gift level.

Your contribution can be in the form of a multi-year commitment* or a one-time gift.

Payments can be made by credit card, check, deductions from your bank account, donation of appreciated securities, or transfer of retirement account savings. These latter two options may provide added tax savings.  Gifts can also be made from donor advised funds and family foundations.

*Multi-year commitments can be in any dollar amount – a meaningful pledge that you wish to make for multiple years, or a way to break larger gifts into incremental payments. For those contributing gifts of $25,000 or above, the pledge period may be extended up to 5 years.

Pledge payments are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donors will be sent letters for tax purposes annually for payments made during the previous calendar year.

With permission, all donors will be recognized in our publications, such as The Covenant and on our website.  In addition, donors’ names will be included on a centrally located, artistic recognition wall unless anonymity is requested.

Naming opportunities are available for gifts starting at $25,000. Individual plaques will be mounted for named areas of the building.

In addition to supporting the campaign with a contribution, if you are able, we hope you will be ambassadors for the message and need for this effort. To that end, if you would like to host a parlor meeting, help us thoughtfully share our message with small groups, or assist in any other way, please let us know.

David Golder, Past Board President
dgolder@lightfall.comKen Lorch, Past Board President
lorch@htl-law.comBarbara Miller, Immediate Past President
Rabbi Paul F. Cohen, Senior Rabbi
rabbi@templejeremiah.orgDaniel A. Glassman, Executive Director
daniel@templejeremiah.orgLeslie Landman, Director of Philanthropy