The Temple Jeremiah community joins together to support you in times of great joy but also in times of need. Our clergy are available to share your simchas or provide comfort for you and your family in the way that meets your individual needs. Temple members also are there to respond for you whether it be with meals, visits, rides or some other form of assistance during a life event.

The information below touches on some of the most common life cycle events we all face and ways to contact Temple Jeremiah for support.

Baby Naming and Brit Milah (BRIS)

Welcoming a new baby into your family is one of life’s greatest joys! Our community happily celebrates the baby’s arrival with you and shares in wonderful Jewish traditions. For a boy, the Brit Milah, or Bris, is traditionally performed on the eighth day of life. This ceremony can include circumcision and naming, where the child is given his Hebrew name. For girls, the naming is a ceremony where the baby receives her Hebrew name. As with many Jewish rituals, these celebrations can be tailored for your family. Our clergy are here to help you welcome your baby with the ceremony that honors your wishes. Our Temple baby namings usually take place during our Friday night Shabbat services.

Call the temple office at 847.441.5760 for help in scheduling your joyful event.

B’nai Mitzvah

Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a pivotal event in Jewish tradition. This milestone at age 13 marks when children accept responsibility for her or his religious life. At Temple Jeremiah, Hebrew studies begin in third grade and continue until the Bat or Bar Mitzvah celebration. Our education process takes your child’s learning style into account, as he or she progresses in Hebrew studies. In preparation for the B’nai Mitzvah, your student will work with a private tutor and our clergy to learn how to read the Torah portion and lead the prayer service.

Temple Jeremiah also supports adults wishing to study for Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Contact the temple for more information.

Learn more about the Temple Jeremiah B’nai Mitzvah experience for both children and adults.


Confirmation is a sacred and meaningful chapter for Jewish teens in 10th grade. It marks a milestone in Jewish education and comes at a time when young people have developed some definite feelings about their values and hopes for the future. Guided by the rabbis and the Confirmation teachers, the students enter a year of personal exploration – an exploration of their relationship to their community, service, and spirituality. Tenth grade begins the year at the Challenge Course in Northbrook to get to know themselves and each other better. Throughout the year, the class explores acts of Tikkun Olam, current issues, and commitment to Jewish life. The Confirmation year culminates in a ceremony led by the class, where they share what Judaism means in their lives.

Becoming Jewish

If you or a loved one are considering becoming Jewish and are interested in learning about the process, please call temple at 847.441.5760.

You can learn more about becoming Jewish at


Weddings are such happy occasions! Mazel tov! Temple Jeremiah wants to make sure that every wedding is as special as the couple planned it to be. Temple members and their families can expect our clergy to meet with the couple before the wedding, so that the ceremony will have the personal touch they want. Temple Jeremiah celebrates all people–so same faith, interfaith and LGBTQIA marriages are welcomed. We help tailor each ceremony to bring in the Jewish customs that fit the couple. Our clergy officiate at ceremonies at Temple Jeremiah or other venues as well. We happily help you celebrate special wedding anniversaries as well.

Call temple at 847.441.5760 to schedule time to meet with clergy or learn more.


Temple Jeremiah’s clergy members are here to support congregants and their families when serious illness happens. Whether helping members to recover or make tough choices concerning health, our clergy offer comfort and sustaining words. Visiting with the sick is an important Jewish tradition. The many Jewish prayers of healing can ease minds and hearts during times of illness. Clergy are available to visit, offer prayers, and provide guidance. Please remember to advise us when you, a relative, or a friend are in need and what support would be of most comfort.

Notify temple of your need for support by calling the office at 847.441.5760.

Loss and Mourning

When end-of-life is near or loss occurs, our rabbis, cantor, and community want to ease your pain. Our clergy are available to support you as you mourn and make memorial arrangements. With member’s or their family’s permission, Temple Jeremiah will email the congregation about the loss of a member or member’s loved one and information about funeral services and shiva. We will also include those who have recently died in our Shabbat service. Many find great strength and comfort in our Jewish traditions for mourning. Our clergy understands that bereavement is a process and wants to be there for you throughout the difficult time.

For immediate clergy support or to schedule a clergy person to officiate at a funeral or memorial service, please call Phyllis Burg at 847.441.5760 or email to reach out to us. After hours, follow the directions to reach our clergy on the Temple’s message. Please do not hesitate to call the temple office for any other need or question during this difficult time.

Temple has prepared a resource entitled, D’vrei Nechama–Words of Comfort: A Guide to the Customs and Rituals of Death & Mourning. (PDF) This booklet offers helpful information on Jewish customs, practices, and rituals surrounding death, burial, and mourning, as well as pertinent information about area and Temple resources.

Learn more about memorial plaques or donations.


Our beautiful Slotnick Social Hall, Tarshish Lounge or other meeting spaces can be the perfect setting for your special occasion. Learn more about renting our Temple facility.