About Daniel Glassman

Daniel Glassman has been Temple Jeremiah's Executive Director since November 2012. Before coming to Jeremiah, he served as the overnight camp director and conference center director at JCYS Camp Henry Horner in Ingleside, Ill. Danny has his bachelor's degree in social science from National Louis University and is working towards his Masters of Jewish Professional Studies at the Spertus Institute of Learning and Leadership. Danny is a member of the National Association of Temple Administrators (NATA). He currently serves as president of the Chicago Area Synagogue Administrators (CASA) the local branch of the NATA. He is also still very much active in the camping community serving as accreditation visitor for the Illinois section of the American Camp Association. When he's not working or in class, he is with his wife, Krystal, and their children, Eden and Levi.

Shabbat Vayeitzei

By |2024-12-05T11:12:15-06:00December 4, 2024|

Google and social media use some truly scary algorithms. Are you thinking about buying a new pair of shoes? You had better expect a million ads for not just shoes, but shoes in your size, and the exact color you were thinking about while daydreaming over your morning bowl

Shabbat R’eih

By |2024-09-04T10:33:51-05:00August 26, 2024|

I have shared my experiences working at camp on many occasions.  It was one of the transformative experiences that shaped who I am today. But what I enjoyed almost as much as working at camp was visiting other camps.  I represented the American Camp Association as an accreditation visitor

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