Our weekly Shabbat Shalom Messages are written by our senior staff: Rabbi Paul F. Cohen, Rabbi Rachel Heaps, Danny Glassman, and Matt Rissien. We hope you enjoy sharing in our love of Torah and Judaism through these messages.
Shabbat Zachor
By Rabbi Paul Cohen|2024-03-27T16:46:08-05:00March 21, 2024|
Beloved friends, I write to you just before Purim and as we are about to begin the reading of the book of Leviticus,
Shabbat P’kudei
By Rabbi Rachel Heaps|2024-03-12T14:02:23-05:00March 12, 2024|
If nothing else, this past months’ worth of parshiyot has made one thing clear...God is a detail fanatic. Everything in God's house has
Shabbat Vayak’heil
By Daniel Glassman|2024-03-06T13:24:23-06:00March 6, 2024|
You may or may not be surprised that the regular contributors to our Shabbat Shalom messages occasionally forget who is sharing during a
Shabbat Ki Tisa
By Matt Rissien, Director of Congregational Learning|2024-03-06T10:38:22-06:00February 26, 2024|
This week’s Torah Portion, Ki Tisa, teaches us that sometimes good things can be hard to wait for. Moses and the Israelites have
Shabbat T’tzaveh
By Rabbi Rachel Heaps|2024-02-22T09:36:40-06:00February 22, 2024|
Do you know why we dress the Torah the way we do? Ever looked closely at the decorative clothing and wondered about the
Shabbat T’rumah
By Rabbi Paul Cohen|2024-02-13T12:01:42-06:00February 13, 2024|
Beloved friends, I have been thinking a lot lately about the spirit of volunteerism. What is it that motivates people to volunteer valuable