Our weekly Shabbat Shalom Messages are written by our senior staff: Rabbi Paul F. Cohen, Rabbi Rachel Heaps, Danny Glassman, and Matt Rissien. We hope you enjoy sharing in our love of Torah and Judaism through these messages.
Shabbat Yitro 5785
By Rabbi Paul Cohen|2025-02-17T12:38:24-06:00February 11, 2025|
Beloved Friends, In this week’s Torah portion Yitro, we encounter a transformative moment between Moses and his father-in-law, Jethro. More than a lesson
Shabbat B’shalach 5785
By Daniel Glassman|2025-02-06T11:13:07-06:00February 4, 2025|
I just returned from a weeklong retreat with the board of the National Association for Temple Administration (NATA). NATA takes me to some
Shabbat Bo 5785
By Matt Rissien, Director of Congregational Learning|2025-01-31T10:51:44-06:00January 30, 2025|
I write this message coming off of the excitement of a 4-day educator’s conference that I just returned from, which took place in
Shabbat Va-eira 5785
By Daniel Glassman|2025-01-30T11:04:02-06:00January 23, 2025|
This week's Torah portion, Va-eira, begins with God and Moses working on the plan to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. They
Shabbat Sh’mot 5785
By Rabbi Rachel Heaps|2025-01-16T10:25:06-06:00January 15, 2025|
This week, we begin the second book of the Torah: Exodus, or in Hebrew, Sh'mot. As much as the parashat itself is filled
Shabbat Vayechi 5785
By Daniel Glassman|2025-01-13T11:28:56-06:00January 9, 2025|
I felt it was fitting this week to speak about endings considering we have come to the end of the book of Genesis.