We are a Reform Jewish congregation that shares, embraces and enjoys Jewish values, and experiences. Our goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of our members, our community, and the world at large. By honoring each person’s reason for joining our community, we create a more inclusive atmosphere where members feel valued and appreciated. Our clergy and staff are approachable and make it a priority to know you and your family. We proudly welcome interfaith couples and families, as well as people choosing Judaism, into our community. We are always welcoming new members!
Temple services are participatory and uplifting. Our members have the chance to connect at our many programs that center around Jewish education, social justice, holiday celebrations, Shabbat and sometimes just getting to know one another. We have a remarkable number of adults, teens and kids who choose to get involved through volunteering, leading and participating in these programs.
We invite you to visit our vibrant, caring community and make a connection today.
To learn more contact Danny Glassman, Executive Director, at danny@templejeremiah.org or 847.582.4075
Temple Jeremiah History
Temple Jeremiah was founded in 1959 by a small group of dedicated people. Our congregation started with just 40 families who wanted to create their own place of worship in the northern suburbs of Chicago. Services and religious school classes were held at the Hubbard Woods School in Winnetka. A student rabbi officiated at services and supervised the religious school. A few years later, Temple moved to Winnetka’s Skokie School.
As our community began to grow, we were ready to welcome a full-time spiritual leader, Rabbi Allan Tarshish, in 1961. He oversaw tremendous growth in the congregation, leading us to the purchase of our permanent home on 5.5-acres of land in Northfield in 1969.
On September 9, 1972, we observed our first Rosh Hashanah services in our own building. Rabbi Tarshish became Rabbi Emeritus in 1975, and Rabbi Robert D. Schreibman was installed as our Senior Rabbi.
The year 2000 brought the retirement of Rabbi Schreibman. Rabbi Paul F. Cohen came on board in July 2000, ready to lead our Temple into the next century.
By the early 2000’s, Temple Jeremiah had benefitted from beautiful renovation projects that brought us the architectural award-winning Joan and Stanley Golder Chapel and the new Robert D. Schreibman Sanctuary.
In 2010, to honor our 50th anniversary, Temple Jeremiah fulfilled the 613th Commandment and wrote our own Torah. For our 60th anniversary, we celebrated with many special events throughout the year, and a spectacular 60th Anniversary Gala.
Temple Jeremiah has been and continues to be a vibrant congregation, drawing members from over 30 communities. Our membership includes more than 750 families. We thrive on meeting the spiritual needs of our members and practicing Tikkun Olam, for the betterment of our world today and tomorrow. Temple Jeremiah is committed to our future and creating a community of meaningful connection.





Celebrating 60 Years of Community
For 60 years, Temple Jeremiah has been making a difference in people’s lives through community, worship, education and Tikkun Olam.