Our weekly Shabbat Shalom Messages are written by our senior staff: Rabbi Paul F. Cohen, Rabbi Rachel Heaps, Danny Glassman, and Matt Rissien. We hope you enjoy sharing in our love of Torah and Judaism through these messages.
Shabbat HaChodesh 5785
By Rabbi Rachel Heaps|2025-03-27T10:05:19-05:00March 26, 2025|
Imagine the scene: Moses and his chief architect, Betzalel, are working on their most important project to date. They’re not just building a
Shabbat Parah 5785
By Rabbi Paul Cohen|2025-03-25T10:42:54-05:00March 18, 2025|
Beloved Friends, This Shabbat is also known as Shabbat Parah, one of the four special Shabbatot preceding Pesach. We add verses from the
Shabbat Ki Tisa 5785
By Daniel Glassman|2025-03-13T11:08:46-05:00March 12, 2025|
Let us set the scene. The year is approximately 1200 CE. Hotu Matu’a, a Polynesian chieftain, leads a couple dozen of people across
Shabbat Zachor 5785
By Matt Rissien, Director of Congregational Learning|2025-03-05T13:58:02-06:00March 5, 2025|
This week, we read the Torah portion T’tzaveh, where it focuses on the sacred garments of the Kohanim (priests). The portion focuses on
Shabbat T’rumah 5785
By Temple Jeremiah|2025-02-27T10:30:56-06:00February 27, 2025|
In this week’s Torah portion, T'rumah, the Israelites start building the Tabernacle, using the gifts that are brought by all whose hearts so
Shabbat Mishpatim 5785
By Rabbi Rachel Heaps|2025-02-19T12:38:31-06:00February 19, 2025|
Ecclesiastes teaches us: L’chol z’man, v’eit l’chol chafetz tachat ha-shamayim, everything has its time, and there is a season for every experience under