March 4, 2022

Beloved Friends,

This week’s Torah portion, Pekudei, is the last one of the book of Exodus. Upon completion of the community building project of creating the Mishkan, the portable sanctuary, Moses blesses the community. Working together in our Temple Jeremiah community in true partnership and cooperation is a blessing and brings blessing. Patience, understanding, and flexibility are three of the key middot, core values, that guided us in the planning and implementation of our COVID-19 Protocols.

Throughout the pandemic, our COVID-19 Task Force has met to analyze current information regarding the virus and our response to it. We met on Thursday, and in reviewing the latest information and our own experiences at Temple Jeremiah, the Task Force recommended the following adjustments to our policies:


  • Temple Jeremiah will make mask-wearing optional immediately for all events, worship, and programs with the exception of the following;
    • The J-Quest will continue to remain masked through March 13th. Masks will be optional in our J-Quest program effective March 14th.
    • The Purim Carnival will remain a masked event for everyone except those leading from the bima.

We will continue to encourage physical distancing (where possible), regular hand washing, and enhanced cleaning protocols. All other policies will remain in place until further notice.

Though we are making these changes, please be mindful that many will still be wearing masks. Let us continue to be a blessing to one another by respecting the personal decisions each of us makes in this ever-changing moment.

We wish you a Chag Purim Sameach, Happy Purim!

Temple Jeremiah COVID-19 Advisory Task Force 
Scott A. Levin, MD, President
Barbara Miller, Immediate Past President
Ed Shapiro, Legal Counsel
Cory Franklin, MD
Charles Ieuter, Insurance Advisor
Rabbi Paul F. Cohen, D.Min., D.D.
Danny Glassman, Executive Director