Dear Fellow Congregants,

The COVID-19 Advisory Task Force met this month and reviewed our current operating procedures, along with data from the CDC and Illinois Public Health. As of June 11th, we are making some significant changes that more closely align with the recommendations put out by the CDC and the State of Illinois. Please see the updated policy below. We continue to keep Pikuach Nefesh, the preservation and protection of life, front and center. This one command supersedes almost every other command in our Jewish tradition. We are optimistic that we will be able to make updates as the situation evolves later this spring and into the summer.

Drawing upon guidelines established by other faith communities and the recommendations of the CDC, we have initiated a phased reopening as outlined below. The COVID-19 Advisory Task Force evaluates our procedures every six weeks to determine the best course of action moving forward. The following procedures will be applicable to all synagogue gatherings (both onsite and offsite), usage of the facility by synagogue partners, and all who enter into a rental agreement with Temple Jeremiah.

Current Specifics (as of June 2021)

We will follow all guidelines as indicated by Cook County, the State of Illinois, and the CDC, yet reserve the right to further enhance our procedures to fulfill our number one goal: the health and safety of our community.

  • Individuals who are fully vaccinated will not be required to wear a mask. Masks will be required for those not yet vaccinated. We strongly encourage all those who are eligible to receive a vaccine
  • There is currently no limit on the number of individuals allowed at in person events. We will continue to follow the state’s guidelines regarding attendance limits
  • Seating will be modified to maintain physical distancing
  • Guests need to bring their own tallit and kippah
  • All worship and programming being held within the physical building will continue in a digital, multi-access format as possible
  • The building will continue to follow stringent entrance and safety procedures which include:
    • There will be designated entrances and exits to help maintain physical distance
    • If you have symptoms (i.e. cough, fever) please stay home

Please note: when entering the temple and participating in temple activities, you assume risk and acknowledge that while Temple Jeremiah regularly cleans and sanitizes our building, we cannot guarantee that you will be protected from the spread of COVID-19.

We will also follow the above guidelines if the clergy is officiating at a lifecycle event at a different location, such as a funeral or wedding. The above guidelines will stay in effect until such time as new information has been released by the Governor and the CDC, or health officials.

To say that these are very trying times seems so inadequate. We join you in the prayer and the hope that we will see a more normal world soon. Until that time, know that we are doing everything we can to keep our community safe and connected.


Temple Jeremiah COVID-19 Advisory Task Force
Scott A. Levin, MD, President
Barbara Miller, Immediate Past President
Ed Shapiro, Legal Counsel
Cory Franklin, MD
Charles Ieuter, Insurance Advisor
Rabbi Paul F. Cohen, D.Min., D.D.
Danny Glassman, Executive Director